
To start your research, enter your ID and password and click Sign In

IDEnter your ID.
PasswordEnter your password.
Forgot your ID or password?

If you've forgotten your ID or password, click this link to request your ID or start the process for creating a new password.

Your ID:
  • Must contain 8 to 50 characters
  • May not contain spaces
  • Can contain the following special characters: ! $ & ' * - ? ^ _ ` ~ . @
Your password:
  • Must contain 8 to 50 characters with no spaces
  • Cannot include your ID or any of your 5 previous passwords
  • Must include at least one character from 3 of the following categories:
    • Upper-case letters (A-Z)
    • Lower-case letters (a-z)
    • Numbers (0-9)
    • Special characters like! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` | ~ . @
Sign InSelect this to sign in to the service.
Remember me

Select this to skip the sign-in page each time you use this product.

  • If you use more than one browser, remember to save your sign-in information on each one.
  • We recommend not using this function on public workstations. All research done on the workstation you're using (and any applicable charges) will be assigned to the ID that was being used when Remember Me was selected.
  • To turn off the Remember Me option, sign off the product and click the Forget My Sign-in Information link on the page that appears.
  • If you use more than one computer and you change your password on one, you'll need to enter your ID and new password on the other computers the next time you sign in, even if Remember Me is selected.

Options in the Help menu include:

What hardware do you need?

Select this link to view hardware or connection recommendations.

Which browsers are supported?

Select this link to view browser setting recommendations.

Select this to change your ID, password, or security information (your security question and answer or your email address).