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Philippine Constitutions, statutes (Acts, Commonwealth Acts, Republic Acts, Mga Batas Pambansa), presidential issuances (Presidential Decrees, Executive Orders, Proclamations), Supreme Court issuances (Administrative Circulars, Rules, OCA Circulars), treaties, conventions and international agreements, implementing rules and regulations, and other rules and procedures


Issuances of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) (Rulings, Opinions, Memoranda, Circulars), international tax treaties, tax ordinances, zonal valuations, taxation-related statutes, court decisions (Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Court of Tax Appeals), and issuances of the Department of Finance (DOF) and other government agencies


Decisions and Minute Resolutions of the Supreme Court from 1901 to the present

Labor and Social Legislation

Issuances of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) such as Department Orders, Administrative Orders, Decisions, and its attached agencies, issuances of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) and Social Security System (SSS), labor-related Statutes, Supreme Court decisions and issuances, presidential issuances, and implementing rules and regulations

Department of Justice

Opinions of the Secretary of Justice from 1939 to the present, Department Orders, Memorandum Circulars, and other important issuances of the Department of Justice (DOJ)

Securities and Exchange Commission

Issuances of the Securities and Exchange Commission (Decisions of the Commission En Banc, Opinions, Orders, Advisories, Memorandum Circulars) and its departments, pertinent statutes, Supreme Court decisions and issuances, presidential issuances, issuances of the Department of Justice (DOJ), Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) and Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE), and implementing rules and regulations


Issuances of the Commission on Elections (COMELEC), elections-related Supreme Court decisions and issuances, statutes, presidential issuances, administrative issuances, Department of Justice Opinions, and implementing rules and regulations


Issuances of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC), Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC), and Credit Information Corpration (CIC), banking-related statutes, Supreme Court issuances, executive issuances, implementing rules and regulations, and Department of Justice (DOJ) issuances

Tariff and Customs

Issuances from the Bureau of Customs, including circulars, memorandum orders and memorandum circulars, as well as customs-related legislation, administrative issuances and jurisprudence

Lexicon of Philippine Legal Terms

A quick reference for law students, legal professionals, and anyone who wants to be familiar with, and understand Philippine legal terminology. Contains over 9,000 terms with definitions from more than 100 years of Philippine jurisprudence, legislation, and administrative issuances

Environment and Natural Resources

Issuances of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), its bureaus, attached agencies, and regional offices, as well as environment-related statutes, presidential issuances, Department of Justice (DOJ) opinions, implementing rules and regulations, and local government ordinances

Intellectual Property

Issuances of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) such as decisions, decisions on appealed cases, and memorandum circulars. It also contains IP-related statutes, executive issuances, Supreme Court issuances, implementing rules and regulations, and other rules and procedures

Civil Service

Issuances of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) including Memorandum Circulars, Memorandum Orders, Office Memoranda, Office Orders, Opinions, Resolutions, and Guidelines, related legislation, and executive and administrative issuances

Data Privacy

Data privacy-related issuances such as Advisories, Advisory Opinions, Circulars, Decisions, and Manuals of the Data Privacy Commission (DPC), pertinent legislation and executive and administrative issuances


Issuances of the Insurance Commission such as Circular Letters, Commission Rulings, Department Orders, Joint Issuances, Legal Opinions, Memoranda, and Memorandum Circulars, as well as related legislation and executive and administrative issuances


Issuances of the Department of Education such as circulars, orders and memoranda, issuances of Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), together with related laws and jurisprudence

Local Autonomy and Local Government

Memoranda, circulars, opinions and other issuances of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and its affiliated bureaus and agencies, with related legislation, jurisprudence and issuances of various executive agencies

Trade, Commerce and Industry

Administrative orders, circulars, decisions and other issuances of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and its affiliated agencies. Pertinent laws, jurisprudence and executive issuances are included for a comprehensive resource on trade and commerce

Persons and Family

Important legislation, executive issuances, Supreme Court circulars and orders, administrative rules and regulations, and other relevant issuances on persons and family relations


Issuances of the Department of Health (DOH) and its attached agencies such as Administrative Orders, Department Circulars, Orders, Memoranda, Memorandum Circulars and Joint Issuances, with health-related statutes, executive issuances, Supreme Court issuances, implementing rules and regulations, and IATF resolutions